All rights reserved © SBHS




SKK Sandviken 31 augusti
Domare: Harri Lehkonen
17 Basset Hound

BIR cert Affections Attractive Boy
Bhkl-2 Longbody´s Sofa Master
Bhkl-3 Longlow´s Extra-I-Read-All-About-It
Bhkl-4 Honduras Av Kalvskinnet
Bhkl-R Swede Sun´s Xlnt

BIM Honeycar´s Old Mill
Btkl-2 Longlow´s Excuse-Me-I-Am-Innocent
Btkl-3 Swede Sun´s Kajsa
Btkl-4 Cray-Tall´s Est Est Est
Btkl-R Swede Sun´s Älvira


BIM                                                      BIR & BIS-2

SBak Vimmerby 25 augusti
Domare: Paula Sunebring
9 st Basset Hound

BIR & BIS-2 Affections Year of Liberty
Bhkl-2 cert championat Honeycar´s Norton

BIM cert Honeycar´s Old Mill
Btkl-2 Longbody´s Olympia
Btkl-3 Honeycar´s New Orleans

Bästa uppfödargrupp BIS-2
Honeycar´s kennel

BIS-1 Junior: Honeycar´s Old Mill

cert & ny SUCH



SKK Norrköping 18 augusti 2002

Domare: Annika Ulltveit-Moe.

6 Basset Hounds.


BIR Longbody's Sofa Master

Bhkl-2 cert Swede Sun's Xlnt


BIM Swede Sun's Kajsa

cert hane


SKK Nyköping 17 augusti

Domare: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen.

10 Basset Hounds.


 BIR BIG-4cert Swede Sun's Mona-Lisa

Btkl-2 Swede Sun's Kajsa

Btkl-3 Bassador Wendy


BIM: Longbody's Sofa Master

Bhkl-2 cert Swede Sun's Xlnt


Bästa uppfödargrupp:
Swede Sun's Kennel


BIM                                                           BIR

Foto:Joche Elfrid

SBaK Väst Tånga Hed 18 augusti

Domare: Jon Finnich Pedersen.

24 Basset Hounds + 2 valpar.


BIR-valp BIS-2: Sleepwalker's Figaro

BIM-valp: Bazetts Beatrix-Affections


BIR BIS-3 cert championat Swede Sun's Robert

Bhkl-2 Swede Sun's Roger

Bhkl-3 Swede Sun's Vincent

Bhkl-4 Swede Sun's Konrad

Bhkl-RAffections Year of Liberty


BIM cert: Swede Sun's Vera

Btkl-2 Affections Ready for Love

Btkl-3 Affections Red Heart Girl

Btkl-4 Sleepwalker's Dorothea


BIR-veteran  BIS-2:
Bazetts Canismajorman


Bästa avelgrupp  BIS-1:
Swede Sun's Älsa


Bästa uppfödargrupp  BIS-1:
Swede Sun's Kennel

Alla bilder här

Foto: Joche Elfrid

SBaK Väst Tånga Hed 17 augusti

Domare: Lars West.

25 Basset Hounds + 2 valpar.


BIR-valp  BIS-3: Sleepwalker's Figaro

BIM-valp: Bazetts Beatrix-Affections


BIR BIS-3 cert  Swede Sun's Vincent

Bhkl-2 Affections Year of Liberty

Bhkl-3 Ebbazz Rasmus

Bhkl-4 Swede Sun's Konrad

Bhkl-R Swede Sun's Robert


BIM  cert: Swede Sun's Vera

Btkl-2Affections Ready for Love

Btkl-3 Bassmass Beaux Art


Bästa veteran:
Affections Dark Worrior


Bästa avelgrupp  BIS-1:
Swede Sun's Älsa

Bästa uppfödargrupp  BIS-1:
 Swede Sun's Kennel


Alla bilder här




BIM & cert tik                                                                cert hane


SKK Int. Askersund 10 augusti

Domare: Kenneth Edh

6 st Basset Hounds + 1 valp

BIR-valp: Cray-Tall's Forgotten Field

BIR & BIS-2: Affection's Year of Liberty

Bhkl-2 cert : Swede Sun's Vincent
Bhkl-3 Honduras af Kalvskinnet
Bhkl-4 Honeycar's Norton


BIM & cert Ebbazz Madiken
Btkl-2 Bazett's Champion


BIR & BIS-2                                               BIR-valp

BIR & BIG-1                                                       Cert hane


SKK Int. Ronneby 10 augusti

Domare: Tore Fossum

7 st Basset Hounds


BIR o BIG-1 Swede Sun's Konrad

Bhkl-2 Swede Sun's Roger

Bhkl-3 cert White Dynamit's Only You Jäsper

Bhkl-4 Swede Sun's Robert

Bhkl-R Voice of Baritone's Big Gambler


BIM o cert Swede Sun's Vera

Btkl-2 Sleepwalker's Dorothea 


Bästa uppfödargrupp & BIS-1:
Swede Sun's Kennel

BIS-1 uppfödargrupp



           BIS                                                        Cert hane

SBaK Syd Finjabacken 3 augusti

Domare: Nete Wunsch.

8 st Basset Hounds


BIR  BIS-1 Swede Sun's Konrad

Bhkl-2 cert Swede Sun´s Vincent

Bhkl-3 Anacondas Lagom Långa Lars


BIM & cert Swede Sun´s Vera


Bästa veteran o BIS-veteran:
Anacondas Lagom Långe Lars

BIS veteran                                                                 BIR & BIM  




SKK Int. Sundsvall 3 augusti

Domare: Kenneth Edh

10 st Basset Hounds + 1 valp

BIR-valp: Sleepwalker's Fritiof


BIR o BIG-R: Affections Year Of Liberty

Bhkl-2 cert Swede Sun's Xlnt

Bhkl-3 Swede Sun's Äskil


BIM cert Bassmass Beaux Art

Btkl-2 Swede Sun's Kajsa


Bästa Uppfödargrupp:

Kennel Swede Sun's

