Valpklass tikar 6-9 månader

Nr 7     Ebbazz Lilla Ida  

Valpkl 3
Very pretty baby. Good head planes. Fine ears. Plenty lip. Would prefer longer neck. Good shoulders and ribs. Top line level. Nice hindquarters.
 Moved soundly.

Nr 8     Ebbazz Madicken

Valpkl 1 Hp BIS Valp
Quite large bitch a little masculine. Very balanced outline. Good head and nose. Plenty bone. Nice wrinkling on fore legs. Tight elbows. Would prefer more bend of stifles which makes top line rise slightly.

Nr 9     Voice of Baritone's Dona Blancha

Valpkl 2 Hp
Most attractive colour. Quite balanced outline. Very feminine head. Dark enough eye. Fine curling leathers. Ribs a little short. Very strong hindquarters. Would prefer more bone behind.

Nr 103 Ebbazz Ronja Rövardotter

Valpkl 4
Attractive bitch. First time show. Very good chest, even crook. Good shoulders and top line. Looked much better moving than standing. Very promising.