Valpklass hanar 6-9 månader

Nr 5     Ebbazz Rasmus

Valpkl 1 Hp BIS 2 Valp
A masculine, very substansfull. Well boned. Good shoulders elbows needs to tighten. Keeps top line on move. Well bent stifles and hooks. Eye could be darker

Nr 6      Bassadors Woodman

Valpkl 2
Large frame. Good head. Kind eye. Plenty lips. Shoulders forward. Short upper arm. Ribs a little short. Strong hindquarters and stern. Feet could be better.

Nr 107 Voice of Barritone´s Don Duarte

Valpkl 3
Rindge type. Kind head. Light eye. Good shoulder placement. Ribs OK. Quit balanced standing. Moves a little naughty on the move.